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Headache & Migraine Relief in Oklahoma City

person with a headacheApproximately one out of every six Americans experiences headaches and migraines within a three-month timeframe. Unfortunately, traditional medicine approaches relief with a series of over-the-counter drugs as well as prescriptions. Here at Chiaf Chiropractic Clinic, we are pleased to offer a holistic, lasting solution to your headaches and migraines—chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care alleviates your discomfort and resolves the underlying source of your headaches and migraines altogether. Our practice is dedicated to listening to your concerns, evaluating your well-being, and designing a care plan specific to your needs. We are here to realign your spinal column and free your body of any interference preventing you from living the life you desire.

Learn more about headaches and migraines and how chiropractic care might help you live a happier, healthier life.

Knowing the Difference

While most people are familiar with the sensation of headaches, very few understand the underlying source of such discomfort. Headaches occur when there is increased pressure in the skull. Tight muscles in the neck tend to result in imbalanced blood flow to and from the brain, leading to inflammation and that dreaded “pounding” feeling.

In contrast, migraines are more complex. Migraines result from the incorrect rotation of the C2 vertebrae. When the C2 vertebrae does not rotate correctly, it sends confusing signals to the brain, manifesting in a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Headache-like pain
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Heightened sensitivity to light and sound
  • Mood changes
Our practice strives to instill hope for a more comfortable future. We look forward to getting to know you, better understanding your condition, and helping you heal one chiropractic adjustment at a time.

Our Comprehensive Method

Despite their severity, headaches and migraines are not impossible to address. Our practice utilizes X-rays and specific chiropractic adjustments to pinpoint problem areas and reset neural pathways in the body. We also offer supplementary supports, including nutritional guidance and Coop® Sleep Goods pillows, to boost and hold your chiropractic progress.

Our multifaceted approach to headache and migraine relief can bring about significant improvement in just one visit. There is no need to endure continued suffering—we are here to support you and help you live the life you deserve.

Book Your Appointment

Why wait for relief? Dr. Chiaf has the knowledge and skill you need to initiate healing today. Be sure to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. Book your appointment!



Headache & Migraine Relief OKC OK | (405) 721-1101